Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Natural Bamboo Vinegar

By : David de Castro

Many people don’t know that bamboo used as an alternatives of vinegar. Right, many of these ingredients are ancient items used in the Asian culture for centuries. Bamboo vinegar produced a through natural carbonization occurs when bamboo heated in the container during bamboo charcoal production. The vapor become condensed once cooled down which produces the vinegar. After several filtering process, bamboo vinegar produced having healthful benefits to improve the health and beauty.

Doctors today are turning to natural ingredients to help relieve common ailments that bother people today. After a years of technological findings and research, doctors and scientists begun using natural ingredients to address many diseases. And bamboo vinegar is one of the greatest discoveries. One of the products used in the natural market today is organic bamboo vinegar. It is a natural liquid, derived from the condensation obtained in bamboo charcoal production. Bamboo vinegar made-up of many nutrients and provides medicinal benefits to users. The vinegar commonly used in diluted form, known for the betterment skin, hair, and body condition. For years, bamboo vinegar know in detoxification as main ingredients in Detox foot pads.

The Eco-friendly Bamboo Fabrics

By : Dave de Castro

Bamboo fabric is soft and for all skin types because it is natural and eco-friendly. Many people catching into the fact that bamboo makes an excellent fabric. Bamboos are being processed naturally to transform it into fabric that is softer that cotton and drape like silk. Its luxurious softness has been described similar to cashmere but less expensive and more durable. The most importantly is, it doesn’t damage the environment even than organic cotton.

Bamboo fibers are manufactured from natural bamboo using high-technological machines. The fibers are completely biodegradable making it eco-friendly and praised as the natural green fabric materials. Bamboo fiber has natural anti-bacterial components that can’t cause any skin irritation and allergies. Unlike other resources bamboo grows faster and assures sustainability than forest trees which require over 30 years recovery period. Bamboo fabric is cool and breathable. The micro-gaps and micro-holes in the bamboo fiber make its moisture, absorbing and ventilating. Perhaps the best use of bamboo fibers is for babies and lot of these are available in market with different colors and design. So try to wear bamboo fibers to keep you cool and comfortable.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Growing Requirements of Bamboo Plants

By: David de Castro

In growing and caring bamboo plants, there’s some requirement needed to make it beautiful and attractive on your landscape. On the subject of growing requirements for bamboo, you need to supply all the necessities of your bamboo to make strong and diseases free. The American Bamboo Society said that most bamboo grow faster and perform best in full sun. In some point of view some bamboo need partial shades and didn’t endure the full exposure to sunlight.

In this article we will discuss the needs on the versatile plant, bamboo. Most of the bamboo or all bamboos prefer the loamy texture of soil and slightly acidic pH balance (around 6 ). Bamboo plants want lot of water but they also need a well-drained soil. Restrict watering for clumping bamboo to the area around the base of the plant. If you’re growing a running bamboo, saturating the entire planting area is really important. Apply a right amount of High Nitrogen Fertilizer to stimulate growth of your bamboo plants.

For those who live in cold climates, there are some verities of bamboo suitable for your climate. Like Multiplex clumping Bamboo, Silverstripe, Angel Mist Bamboo Plants, and Seabreeze Clumping Bamboo. These kind of bamboo are cold hardy and will endure the cold climate. Now you know not only how to contain bamboo plants but also how to grow them. Visit to have the best bamboo suitable for you.

Bamboo Information and Care

By: David de Castro

There are over 2000 different verities of bamboo plant in the world. This can be grown as a privacy screen outside your home or in a container garden that gives unique and exotic look. Bamboo is a grass, a fairly simple plant but highly evolved and versatile. Bamboo blooms every in every year and it said that it can grows at the amazing rate of 12 inches a day. For gardeners and bamboo lovers, planting bamboo is really fun and exciting because it has a lot of challenges and adventure.

Bamboo can grow in different climate not just in tropical ones. If you can find a nursery selling different varieties of bamboo plant, this is ideal. If not you will need to go online for sources of bamboo that will grow in your area. Please visit and these website help you to choose the right bamboo for you.

On caring for your bamboo all you need to know a few basic rules. All verities of bamboo need sunshine so you need to place your bamboo in a right area. In the beginning it needs a lot of water but later on it needs only the right amount. Use the same fertilizer for your bamboo; you can also use organic fertilizer like manure or other organic materials. If your bamboo grows in a container make sure your container is big enough. Trim off the yellow and dried leaves on your bamboo as they occur.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Discover the Benefits of Bamboo Plants

By : David de Castro

Bamboo plants is not just an ordinary grass, it plays a major role in our environment and to the thousands of people and animals. This plant became popular because of its advantages and very usable resource. Our environments are being destroyed, our ozone layer thins, forest disappears and deserts form, and many disease rages. But bamboo plant is on the move to help us; bamboo has an element in balancing the oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on this planet and viable replacement for woods. So you don’t need to cut more trees to the forest.

Bamboo is very cheap resource which makes it a huge industry. Bamboo is used to build houses and even bridges. It also used to produce fine furniture, carpets, matt, shades, fences, valuable art and many other things. Bamboo is also a source of food; its new shoots are discovered as a great source of fiber and many other nutrients in building our body resistance. There’s more don’t forget the luck given by bamboo. In China you can find it almost in any household because the legend says it brings luck to the bearer and energizes the place where it is. But hold, Lucky Bamboo is not a bamboo but just a simple house plant. However it looks like bamboo that’s why we keep calling it Lucky Bamboo.

Growing Bamboo in Home Garden

By : David de Castro

Landscaping the bamboo can give your garden a great scenery and perfect nature view. Bamboo plants are very durable, strong, and flexible that can stand out even in the worse whether condition. That is why bamboo is very popular in garden design and landscape. There are several things to consider in landscaping your bamboo with your garden to make it more presentable and beautiful. First thing you need to do is choose the right bamboo which is suitable to your location zone. Different kinds of bamboo have different endurance when it comes to whether condition and climate changes. So it’s better to know that you are aware about what type of bamboo you have and its compatibility in terms of climate zone. You need to choose a perfect spot of your bamboo to your garden, make sure that it fits to the location you’ve chosen.

Here are some key points to grow your bamboo perfectly and beautiful. Most bamboos prefer a soil pH of around 6.0 - 6.2 and partial to full sunlight. Newly planted bamboo requires liberal watering because it needs to send out new culms. Since bamboo are grasses and grown for their foliage, feed it with a high nitrogen fertilizer. Mulching will help control moisture and will protect cold hardy varieties in winter. New bamboo plants should be thoroughly inspected before being planted in the garden or near other bamboos. If your plants are being infected with parasites, use right amount of insecticidal materials. If there is no effect the use of a systemic miticide may be necessary.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Decorate Your Home with Bamboo

By : Dave de Castro

It’s really hard from us to decorate our house so perfectly and design our house so naturally. If you want to decorate your house naturally with the perfect blend of environment, bamboo is the right choice from you. Bamboo has increasing popularity in creating elegant yet cheap furniture compared to other kinds of materials. So if you really want some changes, all you need to do is take down those old curtains and replace them with the natural, tropical beauty of bamboo blinds.

Bamboo blind comes into fashion as window treatments. It has been have been a fixture in traditional oriental homes for many centuries. In East, it also use as room dividers or partitions. It hung like a wooden waterfall marking the border between one rooms to another. In Japanese view bamboos used as a barrier to protect their lands against evil spirits. In China, bamboo manifested strength, endurance, longevity, flexibility, prosperity and great achievements.

As a matter fact, bamboo plants invades the hardwood industry as perfect alternative solution of wood. Unlike other materials that come and go, bamboo holds its potential because of its sustainability and environment-friendly nature. From being a relic on ancient history, bamboo shows its potential becoming a hottest design in the future.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Luck and Prosperity from Bamboo Plant

By: David de Castro

Bamboo plant is not just a simple plant. It performs a major role in human and animal’s life. Bamboo plants are now gaining its popularity as the world’s fastest growing grass which makes it to a very cheap resource. It grows extremely fast and needs little care. Bamboos can grow very high and some other bamboos may reach its maximum height of 60 feet.

No wonder that bamboo plants have been used in construction since centuries because of its very hard wood. Aside from using this plant in producing furniture, carpets, fences and many other things, it is even used as a medicine in treating several diseases such as respiratory problems.
Bamboo’s spreading popularity in many countries and continents is no surprise. More and more people like using bamboo as an ornamental aesthetics in their gardens because of its compact, fast growing and green characteristics that also makes it to a cheap, natural and perfect fence.

Amid that incredible uses, bamboo are increasing its popularity as a charm or Lucky Bamboo started in China. Most households are filled with bamboo plants because of the legend that it brings luck to the bearer and gives strong energy to the place where it is. But wait, lucky bamboo plant is not a bamboo but just a simple house plant. But since it look like a bamboo and brings luck to us, we keep calling it Lucky Bamboo. Now-a-days, its arrangement has become the most attractive gift.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bamboo: Alternative Flooring Resources

By: David de Castro

Bamboo is creating its name and having an increasing popularity in flooring option. Honestly speaking this incredible plant is not a wood, bamboo is a grass. A very durable hard form of grass having a great potential as a flooring resources. Bamboo is a great alternative resource because of its hardiness with unique beautiful appearance like wood flooring. Bamboo is one of the hardiest woods existed, more stable than other woods because it has a better moist resistance and durability. Bamboo is not solid, it compose of strips material which undergoes into machine processes to increase its strength and resistance twice than any other similar woods. The good thing in this plant is after harvested it can re-grow quickly and ready for harvest again in a short period of time. Bamboo is a natural flooring material because it is environmental friendly and creating a natural looks to your home. Bamboo flooring also has many benefits, It costs up to 50% less than conventional flooring, it can be easily installed over many types of subfloor and quickly renewable. Upgrade your house using this natural resource to make a green way looking at things.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Selecting The Right Bamboo For Pots And Planters: 3 Things To Remember

By: Scott Freedman

Tropical Clumping Bamboo is a quickly gaining popularity as an incredibly ornate and fascinating landscape ornamental throughout the Southern United States and Into California. Through its diverse shape and color range bamboo captivates, as one learns of its seemingly endless variations. The fact is there are over 1200 different types of bamboo plants in cultivation, known worldwide. They range from the largest timber species like the 12’ diameter 100’+ Giant Guadua Bamboo of South America to the smallest known ground cover Dwarf Fernleaf which tops out at only 6”. With this point in mind some bamboo plants are better suited for pot culture than others. I will go over 3 important points to keep in mind when selecting and working with bamboo in pots.

Point 1. When selecting species, the smaller the leaf size, the less water the bamboo will require. Bamboo can be a very thirsty plant, even indoors. Some Large leaf tropical bamboo can use a considerable amount of water per day, so selection of these species should be limited to a large pot or planter. Large leaf Bamboo is usually reserved for 5 gallon pot size or larger. Oldhamii, Chungii Blue, and both Tropical and Lako Black Bamboo are all examples of large leaf, tropical bamboo that are suitable for large pots or planters.

Point 2: Clumping tropical bamboo needs medium to high light to thrive in a pot. These tropical plants are used to the full sun and high humidity of the tropics. They do not thrive in the same places you can grow “Lucky Bamboo”. If there is limited light try selecting a temperate or Running variety. These are the dwarf varieties found in the Sasa and Pleoblastius genus, and are often more tolerant of partial to full shade as many are understory plants found in the sub tropical forests of China and Japan. These bamboo species are prized and collected for their delicate form and decorative leaf variegation and colors. Other Clumping selections for limited light are Buddha belly ventricosa and any of the b. multiplex varieties, particularly stripestem, fernleaf & silverstripe. Alphonse Karr bamboo is exquisite when kept in pots while in partial shade.

Point 3. Large bamboo will only grow to a fraction of their documented mature height when grown in a pot. It is a great way to tame a giant 50’ Oldhamii Timber bamboo into a 17’-20’ large planter showpiece. There are so many amazing bamboo species that are just too big to be practical for most of us. The famed Black Lako is amazing at 50’+ in the landscape and it is also amazing kept at 12’ in a large 15 gallon planter kept poolside. Expect your potted bamboo to grow between 30%-50% of its in ground height and cane diameter.

Is Your Ficus Hedge Dying? Clumping Bamboo Is Your Solution.

By Scott Freedman

Be careful what you wish for. For years Ficus species, from shrub to backyard menace have been the red headed stepchild of the landscape community. Throughout the building of Florida, Builders continually turned to every species of Ficus to fill any void or space for as cheaply as possible. From small hedge to pipe strangling & driveway cracking large shade tree, the Ficus was used wherever it would or would not fit. To landscapers and public works teams alike this has resulted in a love hate relationship with the species. Lately it seems like many lawn crew workers and chemical executives prayers have been answered, because the Ficus is dying, and fast too. They are calling it Ficus decline, but it is simply a whitefly that is sucking the life out of Florida’s Ficus Shrubs and trees. Your choices are simple, fight an ever long battle with expensive “imidicloriprid” treatments that make chemical companies rich and have been proven to be killing our honey bees. Yes that’s right, the treatment for Ficus decline is the same chemical that has been proven in Europe to have caused the colony collapse of recent years. You can hold on to your ficus hedge for as long as you wish to spend, but eventually all ficus owners and fans must seek out a solution.

These new world problems call for intelligent, and sometimes old world solutions. One cannot get older than Bamboo. Since ancient times man has been using bamboo to solve a multitude of problems and achieve a large variety of tasks. And for thousands of years in Southern China and Japan, many species of Bamboo have been carefully selected and groomed as premium hedge material. These varieties of clumping hedge bamboo offer one an intelligent, environmentally friendly, low maintenance solution to the Ficus hedge disaster. In the following paragraphs I will show the subtle differences in the varieties and cultivars of Oriental hedge bamboo. These choice bamboo cultivars have recently swept their way across the United States as the latest in chic, and are available from specialty online retailers from Florida to California and everywhere in between.

Here are 3 tips to help select the right Bamboo for your Ficus replacement hedge.

1. Size matters. Ask yourself what is the height you will keep your hedge at:
- Small hedges up to 10’ use Bambusa multiplex varieties of stripestem or hedge bamboo.
- Medium size hedges from 10’-15’ should use bambusa multiplex; fernleaf, alphonse karr, or Hedge variety.
-Large size hedges have the most options. For a groomed 15’-30’+ hedge in 2 years or less, use Gracilis, Seabreeze, SIlverstripe or for a 40’+ thick and impassable hedge use Bambusa Ventricosa commonly and deceptively named Buddha Belly as it doesn’t belly in the landscape and grows 3” thick culms. (Bambusa Wamin is the real Buddha belly, a dwarf that grows 12’ with swollen internodes or bellies.)

2. What look do you want- traditional hedge or open screen? Bamboo affords lots of options when choosing your hedge material.
-The Multiplex varieties of bamboo such as fernleaf, stripestem, silverstripe , Alphonse Karr and hedge each are cultivars of the same species of bamboo. A cultivar is a specific collected variety of a species. Each of the above bamboo is the same plant each collected for its own unique genetic anomaly. Alphonse Karr has yellow canes, fernleaf has tiny leaves, stripestem has tiny leaves with stripes occasionally, they are all very similar in their overall shape. The Multiplex family of bamboo are your best choice for a tight or boxed look and will give a very hearty thick look.
- For larger hedges, living walls and privacy screens my favorite bamboo hands down is Seabreeze Bamboo or Bambusa Malingensis Seabreeze. This bamboo is preferred for hedges up to 30’ tall. Seabreeze can be boxed tight at anywhere from 12’-30’ and is a large leaf than the Multiplex varieties. Seabreeze gives the perfect mix of traditional bamboo looks with the required coverage to afford proper privacy. Seabreeze has something other bamboo does not, lateral branching. Seabreeze branches right down to the ground and keeps its leaves on every branch, to achieve the ultimate in bamboo hedge privacy. If you have the height and space Seabreeze is a wonderful choice that is sure to impress with each growing season.

3. Remember to leave room. You will purchase your bamboo small as is it only sold small because it grows in so quickly. From 3 gallon containers you should expect your bamboo to reach maturity within 36 months. That’s up to 30’ in 36 months, pretty amazing! Even small bamboo like stripestem needs room to grow. When planning your bamboo hedge leave at least 4’ between plants to allow for growing in. Bamboo grows so quickly you will glad you did. For more scenic and larger areas bamboo hedge material can be planted as far as 12’ apart. Seabreeze on 12’ centers is beautiful as you can see the silouete of each clump at ground level, but they merge at about 10’ to form a dense privacy screen, it is truly having your cake and eating it too.

Growing Bamboo Plants in Landscape

Bamboo plant is a fast growing and one of the most versatile plants in the world. Undeniable, this popular plant has many uses and perform a vital roles in our environment. This incredible plant can be an excellence to your garden or landscape.

To have a perfect bamboo landscaping, you need to consider the right bamboo plants for you. When choosing the right bamboo for you always think the potential and invasiveness of your bamboo. Make it sure you maintain the status of your bamboo. Always have a regular care and control in your bamboo. Choose the right place for the bamboo. It needs a fair amount of sun, either full or partial shade depending to the type of bamboo you have. In heavy soil put organic materials or used a right fertilizer for your bamboo. Watered your bamboo for the first several weeks but not to over-water, too little water is better than too much. Bamboo is adaptable and versatile, it requires little care once established. Always remember three important things in caring your bamboo: mulching, fertilizing, and watering. Bamboo is beautiful plant with unique characteristics. This plant is perfect for privacy and best for your garden.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Health Benefits and Wonder of Bamboo Shoots

Bamboo shoots are young, new canes which are harvested for food before they are two weeks old or one-foot tall. This is now very popular for food in different country because of its tenderness and crispiness. So how Nutritious are Bamboo Shoots? Bamboo shoots having a high fiber content help prevent chronic constipation and plays a role in preventing colon cancer. When it come to phytochemicals, natural substances such Lignas and Phenolic acids can be found in this shoots. Lignas is anticancer, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral while Phenolic acids are potent antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties. Antioxidant help prevent cancer and blood vessel injury. It also contain vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B , Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Fat, Carbohydrates, Protein, and Calories to help build our body resistance. Bamboo shoots are also a good source of Potassium which maintain our normal blood pressure and normal heartbeat.

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Bamboo Plants Propagation

Since bamboo plants have many uses and serve a vital role in our environment and landscape. This article talks about the proper way and different kind of bamboo propagation. There are three different ways to propagate bamboo. The propagation include: growing from seed, the plant division, and vegetative propagation. Always consider that in propagating bamboo plant, timing is one of the key success for better propagation and beautiful landscape.

Growing bamboo from seed – Bamboo is known for its unusual flowering. It’s really hard to have a bamboo seeds because bamboo plants flower and seed is infrequently. However, if you have a chance to have some seed it germinates you could have a new clone on your hands this is the best method of bamboo propagation since clump age would be known at the initial stage of its life cycle.

Plant division propagation – In propagating bamboo plants in this method, first you must select a section of bamboo plant you wish to transplant. Using the right materials dig the section out and plant it in their new location. However, removing to many offsets from the bamboo plant can damage the remaining clump because more energy on their rhizome and lower culms.

Vegetative propagation – This is the most traditionally technique in propagating the bamboo. There are several ways to accomplishing vegetative propagation including culm cuttings, branch node cuttings and whole culm burial. This also usually called since the plant produced will be identical to the parent bamboo.